Our PhysiciansDiagnose, treat, & rehabilitate your orthopedic injuries
Orthopedic Surgeons & Sports Medicine
Specialists in Chapin, SC
Find the care you need from board-certified & highly trained medical professionals
When you choose Palmetto Bone & Joint to solve your rotator cuff tear or to replace your hip, you’re getting a team of some of the finest orthopedic minds practicing today. Our comprehensive surgical, sports medicine, and rehabilitation services provide total care for each and every patient so that they can focus on what matters most—recovering and staying active! Learn more about our team here and find a Palmetto Bone & Joint location near you.
Dr. Emmanuel Sakla
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Dr. Giridhar Gundu
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Dr. James Loging
Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Mark Wilson
Sports Medicine
Dr. Matt Barra
Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Phillip Milner
General Orthopedics
Dr. Samuel Davis
Spinal Surgeon
Dr. William Owens
Orthopedic Surgeon